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Between FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and the seemingly perfect social lives of others, it almost feels criminal to enjoy your own company.
What type of anti-social human must you be in order to believe that it is better to be alone than with bad company?
We are made to think that being alone is bad. That everybody has many friends. We believe the fake smiles of Influencers on Instagram that pose with people they can’t stand at all in real life.
If you are alone, something is wrong with you. There must be because how can you not fake being friends with people that annoy you. Nowadays, it is valuable know-how that somehow only the pretty and the successful hold.
However, I’ve come to wonder why this thought of being alone has taken hold.
How can it be that we are “alone”. We are never alone. We are always with ourselves. Sadly, often people don’t know how to appreciate that. They fall into the trap of rather leaving themselves to fit in than enjoying their own company.
So how can we enjoy our very own company? How do we escape the trap of “being alone”?
Appreciate Yourself
Start by appreciating yourself. Being alone is often seen as lacking. Lacking friends, lacking social skills, lacking in general. But once you realize that you are not lacking, you’ll see that instead of being alone, you are simply with yourself.
Be kind to yourself and be happy with who you are. Begin appreciating yourself today.
If you don’t know where to start, you can do something as simple as complimenting yourself. You can also incorporate positive affirmations about yourself. Start with affirming each morning or buy an affirmation journal to write down positive affirmations.
Spend more time with yourself
To get more comfortable being alone, start spending more valuable time with yourself.
What is something you always wanted to do? What is a restaurant you always wanted to go to?
Try to find activities and places to go to alone. It may seem weird at first but in the end it will help you become more comfortable with your own company.
The time we spend with just ourselves is really healing and it can help us find solutions for problems or inspire us. Try being alone more and let your thoughts wander.
Stop Caring What Others Think
Stop caring about what others think. The idea of loneliness has taken root because we often feel the need to be around people all the time. Now, don’t get me wrong, humans are social beings and need society and people to survive. However, what we don’t need is everybody’s opinion.
Often, we are afraid of being alone because we fear how we will be perceived. Who wouldn’t want to fit the social ideal of someone liked by everyone?
We start thinking that others’ views of us define who we really are. However, that is the furthest from the truth.
Being lonely is often considered uncool and sad. It implies that no one wants to be with you. This might be how society views loneliness, but from a subjective standpoint, we can never truly be lonely because we have ourselves.
Be confident enough in your own presence.
And in the end, a lot of people will admire you for being this comfortable with “loneliness”. Trust me, a lot of people just rather want to be alone than with the people they call friends.
Besides, more often than not people don’t even care. People are ignorant. They only care about themselves. So why even wonder what they will think? They probably don’t even think at all.
Stop thinking that spending time with yourself is bad. Embrace loneliness, if that’s how society labels it. Don’t listen to them. Start enjoying being “alone.” Begin relishing your time with yourself.
I hope this post was insightful. A like, comment and follow are appreciated. Thank you.
JaiHind.. 🇮🇳 JaiBharat..