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🌅 India Rising
In 1929, George W. Hill, president of The American Tobacco Company, called his public relations guru, Edward Bernays, into his office and demanded answers. Although short in stature, Hill was tall in presence. As he spoke, the fish hooks dangling from the brim of his Stetson hat shook with each word. Hill had 1 question for Bernays.
"How can we get women to smoke on the street?"
If anyone could solve this thorny dilemma, it was Bernays. Years earlier, he launched a campaign for Lucky Strikes cigarettes, chastising women to end their meals with a cigarette instead of dessert. "Reach for a Lucky instead of a Sweet" became the standard fat-shaming advice of the 1920s.
And it worked. In 1923, women consumed 5% of cigarettes. By 1929, that number rose to 12%.
However, in the 1920s, smoking was still considered improper for women. Only prostitutes, showgirls, and "fallen women" smoked. Of course, that stigma didn't stop many 1920s socialites from flouting convention. When Teddy Roosevelt forbade his daughter Alice to smoke in the White House, she simply moved her rebellious antics to the rooftop.
Bernays had branded smoking as the perfect weight loss solution, but women were still only smoking behind closed doors. If he could remove the social stigma, sales of cigarettes would rise.
Lighting the torch
As the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Bernays knew what women wanted — a phallic-shaped object symbolizing freedom from repression. If women could finally vote, why shouldn't they be able to smoke like the men?
So Bernays consulted with psychoanalyst and Freudian fanboy A.A. Brill. Brill devised a clever rebranding of cigarettes that targeted wayward suffragists and flappers. Instead of calling them cigarettes, he renamed them 'Torches of Freedom,' thereby cleverly equating smoking with the women's movement.
JaiHind.. 🇮🇳 JaiBharat..