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🌅 India Rising
A happy life is a life based on principles, not pleasure.
Short term choices lead to long term pain.
Long term choices lead to short term pain.
The pain is guaranteed, period.
The question isn’t who will pay the bill (spoiler, it’s YOU)
The question is which you will pay it.
The you of today… or the you of tomorrow ? If you life sucks right now, that’s because you’re paying the bills of the you of the past.
The Piles Of Debt.
The Broken Relationships
The Unhealthy Body
The Broken Dreams
If you want this pain to end…
Stop passing on bills to future you.
Here’s how you can do it.
First let’s start off with the big question, what IS discipline?
Discipline is a fancy way of saying,
“That person’s prefrontal cortex is highly active.”
What’s is the prefrontal cortex?
The prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain resting directly behind your forehead responsible for making your decisions throughout the day.
It’s two primary jobs are to restrain you from doing things.
(Don’t cheat on your wife)
And get you to do things you couldn’t care to do.
(Get out of bed and go to work)
When this decision maker is weak, you constantly make poor decisions.
You eat that donut even though you’re on a diet.
You don’t go study even though your test is in one week.
When this decision maker is strong, you constantly make good decisions.
JaiHind.. 🇮🇳 JaiBharat..