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Have you ever stood at the cliff's edge (for cliff-jumping, to be clear), counting time on your fingers, almost ready to take the plunge?
I have.
Life advice: Never look down.
You’re standing there with blood gushing through your veins and adrenaline seizing control of your entire body. You picture an insane jump with AVICII’s The Nights playing in the backdrop. This is your moment and you’re going to set yourself free. It’s now or never, baby. But instinctively, you step forward and look down. Oops?
Doubt takes over all the excitement and anticipation you built for your peak moment. Suddenly, the cliff is higher and the water seems colder. Your footing on the ground becomes unstable and your heartbeat shoots past the roof. You’re afraid of slipping and falling. Gosh, this is a nightmare now. You’re just standing there, frozen in time with each passing second fueling the doubt in your mind. Maybe this was a bad idea, you think, as the thrill of the experience slowly transitions into the fear of disappointment.
You see, momentum is a powerful force and it’s born from assertive action. The longer we linger in the state of indecisiveness, the more we lose the motivation to take action.
It’s funny how our mind works. We tell ourselves that we need more time to think but then what once seemed like a clear choice turns into this murky pool of uncertainty. The longer we stay in that pool, the more daunting the whole thing becomes. Our good intentions become demotivating ropes that pull us down.
Think of it as leaving a juicy, ripe fruit untouched for too long; it gets mushy and loses its deliciousness. Our mind works the same way. Any thought left to stagnate will eventually get twisted and decay.
We get attached to certain ideas — like wanting a perfect answer or being scared of making the wrong choices. These attachments are what make us hesitate. We’re gripping onto the expectations so tightly that we forget how to break out of an infinite loop.
Sometimes, when we ponder upon the consequences of a choice, we gain clarity on which choice makes the most sense for us. But when we’re unable to gain clarity, it’s a stalemate. We create a danger of missed opportunities, or a life unlived.
Regret hurts more than failure. When we decide to walk away from what we once wanted, we end up carrying a bag full of guilt. It feels terrible when we convince ourselves to not take the leap of faith. It’s criminal, almost. A world of opportunities, gone with the wind. Poof!
So next time you’re standing at the edge of the cliff, take a deep breath, slap your bare chest and tell yourself, that it’s going to be alright. Remind yourself that the longer you take to make up your mind, the less you’ll want to do it. And jump!
It’s not that we should rush into things recklessly, but we should recognize that there is a sweet spot between contemplation and action. The moment we contemplate for too long, we’re no longer contemplating.
The world is full of uncertainty and firsts. Every big decision is like jumping from a cliff. First comes the excitement, the part where we’re gung-ho, then comes panic, a moment of pure terror.
So let's start trying to nip it in the bud — make a decision and go for it!
Let’s loosen our grip on the outcome and let go of the need for everything to be perfect. We’ll deal with whatever comes when it comes. Worrying and pondering about something that hasn’t happened robs us of a world of possibilities. It’s criminal.
The sooner we act, the sooner we’ll be surfing the possibilities that life throws our way. It’s not about having a perfect moment but grabbing the surfboard and making the most out of the opportunity.
So let’s not sit with our arms and legs folded in a black hole of hesitation. This is our wake-up call.
If you’re wondering about my jump. Yup, I ended up taking the 10m jump. Without my life jacket :)
There was a local who was overseeing my jump and when he saw me hesitate, he told my friend, “If he takes too long to jump, he’s not going to jump.”
Five minutes after beating my chest, calming my nerves and screaming in the air, I took that leap of faith and jumped. Literal butterflies!I felt like I was flying.The world was blurry and all my problems were behind me for those few seconds in the air.
Even though my leg couldn’t stop shaking at first, my jump had decent form and the impact with the surface didn’t sting one bit. The dunk into the water was loud and I could hear it for several seconds even after rising back to the surface. As my head popped out of the water, I looked at my friend cheering in the distance. I screamed, “Woooooo!!”
I guess the firsts are the scariest. The subsequent jumps from the height of 13m and 15m were not that scary. But it was crazy. When I look back at that moment, I find myself wondering how I got myself to do it. It’s amongst the biggest life lessons I’ve learned through experience and what the local told my friend, will stay with me forever.
Hi. This is Harsh, the author of this blog.I’m glad you read my article and hope that there was something that you could resonate with at a deeper level.
I write about things that I think I’d like to tell myself. I attempt to collate all my dispersed thoughts into a single flow of thought. I try to dig into a certain thought or feeling with every article to make it more understandable for anyone seeking a word or two.
JaiHind.. 🇮🇳 JaiBharat..