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Not sure how to tell your friends or family about a life-changing illness? Take some of the stress away from yourself, but mostly from them, by following these tips to throw the perfect cancer reveal party.
It’s similar to a gender reveal party. Except it’s also very different. A gender reveal party ends once the partygoers and parents discover whether it’s a boy or a girl. All that’s left is for everyone to congratulate the soon-to-be-parents.
Not so at a cancer reveal party.
Firstly, you wouldn’t be throwing this party if you didn’t already know whether you had cancer or not. You’ve got to get that first bit of crying out of the way early so you can be the positive ray of sunshine everyone will expect you to be.
Not to mention, if you throw a party only to show that you don’t have the disease, that’s just bragging, which is weird. And a waste of these classic reveal ideas.
When it’s time, gather your guests and pop each balloon. Watch them breathe a sigh of relief as they appear empty or, “Oooh,” in wonder when the sparkly bits fall, revealing your cancer once and for all. But remember, in a fun way!
Classic reveal idea 2-Cake Cutting
Don’t think I forgot about the cake. Cancer is a multifaceted disease, which means you can…
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