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Everything requires sacrifice; have a plan, and be consistent
I suggest two practices for making changes in your life. The first is to follow your conscience by finding between “what happens to us” and “what we do about it” is a space to choose, and what we do with that space ultimately determines our growth and happiness.
Follow your conscience
In this space lie the four basic endowments of conscience, imagination, self-awareness, and independent will. Of the four, conscience is the governing one.
Often, when we are not at peace in our lives, it is because we are living lives in violation of our conscience and deep down we know it. We can tap into our conscience simply by asking and pausing to “hear” the answer.
For example, try asking yourself the following questions:
What is the most important thing I need to start doing in my personal life that would have the greatest positive impact? Think deeply.
What is the most important thing that I need to start doing in my professional life that would have the greatest positive impact?
Every single time you ask this to yourself, give a space little bit and pause. If you’re like me, you’ll recognize those most important by listening to your conscience — that voice of wisdom, self-awareness, and common sense within you.
Another great reflective question is:
What is life now asking of me?
Think carefully, you may sense that you’ve been unfocused and need to be far more careful with the way you spend your time. You may decide to start eating better and exercising or you sense that there is a key relationship you need to repair.
The bottom line is without deep conviction, you won’t have the strength to follow through with your goals when the going gets tough. And conviction comes through conscience.
We all have three different lives:
Public life is what others observe
Private life is what we do when we are alone
The inner life is that place we go to when we really want to examine our motives and our deepest desires.
Developing inner life is highly recommended. This is the place where our conscience can be most instructive because while here we are in the best frame of mind to listen.
Change your role
Let's make it make sense. If you want to make incremental changes in your life, change your behaviors. If you want to make a significant change, work on your paradigms, the way in which you see and interpret the world.
Sometimes role changes are external events, such as a change in a job responsibility. But other times we can change our role just by changing our mindset or our perception of a situation.
Let's say, you know you need to start trusting others and letting go. With the change of mindset or role, this mental shift, you would start to see yourself empowered and openly seek counsel for your next move.
The most important habit is the one you are having the most difficult time living. Use your endowments of self-awareness and conscience to help you sense which habit you may need to focus on.
Often the best way to change is to pick the one thing, a single habit, and to make small commitments to yourself related to that habit and keep them.
Little by little your self-discipline and self-confidence will increase.
JaiHind.. 🇮🇳 JaiBharat..