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🌅 India Rising
Men and women are not equal.
There’s a reason why 92% of Fortune 500 CEOs are men — it’s because we’re more competitive and more likely to sacrifice our lives for our careers. There’s also a reason why 92% of workplace deaths are men — we’re more risk-taking and more inclined to work hard, dangerous jobs.
Men and women have the same rights, but what others judge us on, how we provide value to society, and how we experience life are fundamentally different. This means we need different approaches to life.
You’ll Peak Much Later Than You Want To
A man’s life is beautiful, but hard.
When I was 20, I was lost. Like a vulnerable lion’s cub, I stumbled through life without purpose, money, or wisdom. Instead of getting the juicy pieces of meat everybody competed for, I had to deal with the scraps.
Other businesses had 100 times more customers and revenue than I could ever dream of
Women were attracted to the men who had already built something for themselves
The cool guys with the money and networks didn’t give a rat’s ass about me
I got frustrated because social media glorifies the other side — being a rich, good-looking, accomplished guy surrounded by hot women. I felt like I was doing something wrong. But I didn’t.
“Nothing really worth having comes quickly and easily. If it did, I doubt that we would ever grow.”
Most of the things that make a man’s life better take time. Maturity, money, wisdom, muscular body, loyal and beautiful women, a meaningful purpose — you won’t get them on a silver platter. You will be struggling for years until you make it.
That’s okay.
Don’t expect life to be easy. A decent-looking woman can find someone to create a family, and bang, she has a purpose, a roof over her head, and social acceptance. As a man, it’s not that simple
JaiHind.. JaiBharat..