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🌅 India Rising
Shakespeare once said, “Love is a crime harder to hide than murder, the darkness of love has the sunlight of noon.”
If someone has feelings for you, even if they try to hide it, it’s a difficult task. Even if they don’t say it out loud, their body’s reactions, the way they look at you, will betray their inner feelings.
To find out if someone has feelings for you, you don’t need to ask because even if you ask directly, you won’t get a definite answer.
What you need to do is observe them. From their actions, tone, and gaze, you can get the right answer.
Just as Bacon said, “Even the gods find it hard to remain wise in love,” let alone us mortals in this earthly world?
Keep in mind, if someone allows you to do this, they probably have feelings for you, most likely.
Allowing You to See Their Hidden Side
In life, everyone has two faces for close people and others.
In front of close people, we are more casual, free. We can be vulnerable, sloppy, and show our most authentic selves.
Facing others, we build a hard shell to hide our vulnerabilities and ignorance.
JaiHind.. 🇮🇳 JaiBharat..