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I recently watched a hilarious Tik Tok video of a woman making her husband chili while he is watching football in the living room. She lifts the spoon and pours in enough salt to pickle a corpse. Then, she proudly walks into the living room and asks her husband to try her "new recipe."
Her husband swallows the chili, and you can hear the poor bastard crunching on the salt. His eyes water, and he struggles not to grimace.
But when she asks for his opinion, he pretends there is nothing wrong with her meal and sheepishly tells her that maybe it could use a bit more "meat and sauce."
This video spawned its share of copycat videos of wives pushing their husband's sodium levels. Would men lie to avoid hurting their partner? Or would they criticize their partner's cooking?
We have all been there. Sometimes, your partner asks you to critique their outfit, cooking, hobby, or, god forbid…sexual skills.
This tricky dilemma is so ubiquitous that it's number 9 on the infamous Proust Questionaire — "On what occasion do you lie?"
First, a reminder from the legal department: A gritty substance hidden in a sauce is a choking hazard. And raising sodium levels too quickly can cause life-threatening brain swelling.
Not to mention, pranking your partner for TikTok views is a clear sign of a garbage human. Please don't do this to someone you love.
Now, back to the debate…
Most commenters did not see eating salty chili to keep the peace as an act of love. They called the husband a "simp" and lambasted him for not having enough balls to tell his wife her meal had the ratio of salt to food off. One commenter wrote, "This is half the reason people get stuck in bad marriages cuz they just go along with shit instead of speaking up."
Yes, he is right. Some marriages would be stronger if we communicated our grievances…with kindness and respect.
But there is another side to this salty debate. Sometimes, what you don't say matters as much as what you do. There's an art to keeping your mouth shut.
JaiHind.. 🇮🇳 JaiBharat..